Monday 11 March 2013

Introducing the members :D

Group Leader, Blog Writer and Food Eater

Food Finder, Food Eater and Blog editor

Photographer, Food Eater and Writer

The Third Entry! - Tutti Frutti ❤

We decided, for our last and final entry for this assignment, instead of a main meal, why not go for a dessert? With all the assignments being given to us, it's safe to say that we're pretty stressed up. And what better way to release all this stress than by having some dessert. After all, stressed spelled backwards is desserts! :D
Say hello to our third entry, Tutti Frutti!

Introduced to the United States in 2008, this frozen yoghurt outlet expanded worldwide and has become a sensation ever since. The outlet that we went to was small and quite claustrophobic. The store could only fit 5 tables, two on the outside and 3 on the inside. One quarter of the store is practically used up by the machines that allows us to take frozen youghurt from. Even with the claustrophobic look, tutti frutti managed to pull off a cozy and welcoming feeling. The unique thing about tutti frutti was that they used some fancy looking lighting instead of plain ordinary spotlights or tube lights.

Just like Subway, getting frozen yoghurt from tutti frutti is self service. We start off by selecting a cup which ranges from a selection of 3 sizes. Each cup will be able to contain different amounts and therefore, would amount to different pricing. I'd consider ourselves lucky for that day as their policy for students is a 10% off on weekdays.

After taking youghurt from the machines, which may vary in flavours, we proceed to to the island adjacent to the cashier. That's where we pick our toppings.

The various choices of non fruit toppings
The choice of fruit toppings

Among the toppings they have to offer, ranges from fruits such as grapes, to breakfast cereal, such as cornflakes. If you are not a first timer at tutti frutti, you would know that fruits weigh more, and therefore, you would opt for the lighter toppings such as chocolate chips and cereal. This is because you are charged based on the weight of your youghurt and toppings in the cup. Don't forget syrup!

Check out the syrup they had to offer!

Of course after all this, it's time to pay. They have a weighing scale at the cashier and all we have to do is put our frozen yoghurt onto the scale for it to determine the price we have to pay.
Juvaz's cup

My cup

Jamie's cup

Mine was most expensive, coming in with a price of RM 14.70, followed by Juvaz which was RM 10.20 and Jamie, RM 6.30. All these prices were after the discounts, so you can imagine the amount of frozen yoghurt we took.
All in all, we had a good and enjoyable time. We really eased our minds on assignments even though having this dessert was part of one assignment. Nevertheless, it was very much enjoyable.

All of us enjoying our frozen yoghurts 

Monday 4 March 2013

The Second Entry! - Subway ☼

For our second place, we decided to go for a healthier choice. That is why we ended up at subway, the sandwich shop.
Subway is a fast food joint that sells submarine sandwiches, also known as subs.
It originated from Connecticut in the mid 60-s.
With their combination of fluorescent white light and yellow, as their interior lighting, this was really interesting to me. Bright white lights were placed above the counter as well as the place to take orders, while warm yellow lights were placed at the dining area. The kind of lights they used above the counter were spotlight type to ensure they focus on the choice of subs they had to offer. Although their warm yellow lighting made subway look a little dull from the outside, however, once you're inside, it's a nice and comforting feeling.
What makes this fast food sandwich joint so unique, is that it allows you to pick your own fillings and toppings and basically get someone to make the sandwich of your choice. You can pick a sandwich of your choice just by following these simple steps.
Here's how it goes:

Step 2: Pick your choice of bread which ranges from a wide variety, some of which are Italian, Hearty Italian, Wheat, Wholegrain and White.

Step 4: Select your filling. If you are a herbivore like me, you can opt for a Veggie Delight consisting of all the vegetables that subway has to offer. But, if you are a carnivore like Jamie, you can pick any kinds of meat to go with your sandwich.

Step 5: Choosing a topping. These toppings are all sauces which consist of mayonnaise  thousand island, olive oil and even salt and pepper.

Of course after following all these steps, the last and final step before enjoying the meal, is to pay for it.
Juvaz and Jamie had the sub of the day which was roasted  chicken. A sub of the day is a sandwich that is on offer for that particular day and is charged with a lower price.

All of us really enjoyed the sandwiches. Their portions were just right and their sandwiches were fresh.
Safe to say, Subway was a right and healthy choice to make :D
The meat fillings
The vegetable fillings

               Juvas enjoying his sub of the day

Wednesday 27 February 2013

The First Entry! - Fullhouse ☺

To start things off for this assignment, our group went to Fullhouse for it to be made into our very first entry. Fullhouse is a cafe, popularly known as a lifestyle store as well. It is a dining place which operates as both, lifestyle store and also cafe.
The look of Fullhouse from the outside
Located in Sunway Pyramid, this was a convenient place for us. All it took us
was a five minute walk along the canopy walk. The looks of the interior of Fullhouse from the outside looks very comfortable and cozy with their soft warm yellow lights giving a very homey feeling.

The interior look of Fullhouse
The menu
The menus were designed in such a way that they looked like little magazines and they were bursting with bright and vibrant colours. 
After going through the menu and after much consideration, I decided to order a set meal which was called 'Tracy's New Recipe' which consisted of a bowl of mushroom soup for starter, a plate of spaghetti also known as spaghetti al-funghi and iced lemon tea as beverage. The set lunch was available from 12-3pm and given the fact that we were there during lunch time, we were in luck.  

The service was fast and efficient as the waiter managed to get our orders correctly. When the food came, it did not disappoint. The mushroom soup was thick and creamy. Some restaurants would fail in making good and creamy mushroom soup. Most would end up watery, but I'm pleased to say, Fullhouse did a good job with it. The spaghetti was very much enjoyable and the iced lemon tea, refreshing. Though it was a little too sweet. The spaghetti was unique as it had chilli padi as topping. Weird right? One of the uncommon blends of western food and asian food. I was a bit afraid to try it at first. But after I took the first spoon of spaghetti, it was love at first bite for me. 
Iced Lemon Tea!
The chilli padi on my spaghetti

Mushroom soup
Jamie opted for the set meal as well as it was a more reasonable buy. She ordered set 1 which was 'Thomas' Favourite Meal'. She had the same starter and drink as me, but her main meal was the spaghetti with ham creamy carbonara. According to her, her pasta was a little over creamy but overall, it was still good. 
Jamie's creamy carbonara

Overall, we all agree that Fullhouse was a good first choice as it did not disappoint. It gave us an enjoyable time. It was reasonable in pricing and satisfying in portions. Though it's not the best meal I've had, it was still worth the time and walk there! Safe to say, we will be back for seconds some time soon!

Jamie imitating the picture 
And when she's not imitating the picture, she's eating!

Jamie and I with our happy faces! 
Me, enjoying my mushroom soup